RESTArt Changelog ================= Here you can see the full list of changes between each RESTArt release. Version 0.1.3 ------------- Released on Feb 21st 2016. - Always render ``HTTPException`` messages into JSON - Move ``CORSMiddleware`` out of RESTArt (use the `RESTArt-CrossDomain `_ extension for CORS instead) - Remove tests for ``CORSMiddleware`` - Remove the configuration options for CORS - Update documentation - Upgrade the Python-EasyConfig dependency Version 0.1.2 ------------- Released on Dec 30th 2015. - Refactor the Adapter module for better usage - Add ``-a, --adapter`` argument to the restart utility - Select the first renderer class if no format suffix is specified - Add ``context`` keyword argument to :meth:`Parser.parse() ` and :meth:`Renderer.render() ` - Use ``_locked_cached_classproperty_`` (instead of ````) as the default name of the cached class property, which holds the calculated result for the :class:`locked_cached_classproperty ` decorated class property - Implement the :meth:`get_embedded_rules ` method of WerkzeugAdapter - Update documentation - Update examples Version 0.1.0 ------------- Released on Oct 3rd 2015. - Add support for resource-level middleware classes - Bind a mutable attribute (whose name starts with an underscore) to each request property - Fix bugs for importing extensions - Refactor the logic for parsing request data or files - Refactor the logic for rendering response data - Add the :ref:`SERVER_NAME ` configuration option - Add support for registering URIs with format suffixes - Add changelog - Add support for Python 2/3 compatibility - Re-raise unhandled exceptions with their tracebacks - Add :meth:`http_method_not_allowed ` as the default action - Get multiple query arguments from the request correctly Version 0.0.8 ------------- Released on Jul 19th 2015. - Update documentation - Add makefile - Add support for extension development - Add the :class:`Adapter ` classes to handle framework adaptions - Add testing tools - Add support for Middleware - Add support for CORS Version 0.0.5 ------------- Released on Jun 26th 2015. - Add :class:`RESTArt ` and :class:`Service ` - Refactor :class:`Request ` and :class:`Response ` - Add :class:`Parser ` and :class:`Renderer ` - Handle exceptions - Add documentation - Add more tests - Add logging Version 0.0.2 ------------- Released on May 17th 2015. The first release.