.. _serving: Serving ======= This section shows you how to run your APIs in RESTArt. As a concrete example, consider the following ``Greeting`` API:: # helloworld.py from restart.api import RESTArt from restart.resource import Resource api = RESTArt() @api.route(methods=['GET']) class Greeting(Resource): name = 'greeting' def read(self, request): return {'hello': 'world'} Development ----------- The Pythonic Way ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ As a Pythonista, chances are you like to run the API just as a normal Python script. That's good! The Pythonic way you want is supported by RESTArt, at the cost of a little wrapper code with the help of the :class:`~restart.serving.Service` class:: # runserver.py from restart.serving import Service from helloworld import api service = Service(api) if __name__ == '__main__': service.run() Now, you can run the API like this:: $ python runserver.py .. _command-line-utility: The Command Line Utility ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To make the serving step as simple as possible, RESTArt also provides a command line utility called ``restart``. You may have seen it in :ref:`quickstart`. Yes! It's born for serving, and you will not be disappointed to use it:: $ restart helloworld:api That's all. Isn't it amazing? ``restart`` has only one argument: =============== ============== ======================================== Argument Example Description =============== ============== ======================================== entrypoint helloworld:api A string in the form ``module_path:api`` where `api` is the central RESTArt API object and `module_path` is the path to the module where `api` is defined. =============== ============== ======================================== For the options supported by ``reatart``, see the help messages:: $ restart --help Deployment ---------- RESTArt's primary deployment platform is `WSGI`_, the Python standard for web servers and applications. To make RESTArt APIs easy to deploy, it's recommended to create a file named `wsgi.py` as follows:: # wsgi.py from restart.serving import Service from helloworld import api application = Service(api) Then use awesome WSGI servers to communicate with the `application` callable. Gunicorn ^^^^^^^^ `Gunicorn`_ (‘Green Unicorn’) is a pure-Python WSGI server for UNIX. It has no dependencies and is easy to install and use. 1. Install Gunicorn:: $ pip install gunicorn 2. Use Gunicorn:: $ gunicorn wsgi -b .. _WSGI: http://www.wsgi.org/ .. _Gunicorn: http://gunicorn.org/