
Middleware is a framework of hooks into RESTArt’s request/response processing. It’s a light, low-level “plugin” system for globally altering RESTArt’s input or output.

In RESTArt, any Python class that has a process_request() method or a process_response() method can be used as a middleware. See perform_action for more information about middleware behaviors.

Write a middleware class

Suppose you already have an API, and now you want to only allow the authenticated users to access it. To add this limit, you can write a simple middleware class (based on HTTP Basic authentication) like this:

# my_middlewares.py

from restart.exceptions import Unauthorized

class AuthMiddleware(object):
    """The middleware used for authentication."""

    def process_request(self, request):
        """Authenticate the request.

        :param request: the request object.
        username = request.auth.get('username')
        password = request.auth.get('password')
        if not (username == 'YOUR_USERNAME' and password == 'YOUR_PASSWORD'):
            raise Unauthorized()

For a real-world middleware implementation, see RESTArt-CrossDomain for an example.

Use a middleware class

RESTArt supports middlewares in two styles:

  • Global middlewares
  • Resource-level middlewares

The processing order of the two styles of middlewares is as follows:

  • During request phase, the process_request() methods of global middlewares are called before those of resource-level middlewares.
  • During response phase, the process_response() methods of resource-level middlewares are called before those of global middlewares.

Global middlewares

To use a middleware class as a global middleware, just add it to the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES tuple in your RESTArt configuration module.

In the MIDDLEWARE_CLASSES tuple, each middleware is represented by a string: the full Python path to the middleware’s class name. For example, here’s how to enable the above AuthMiddleware middleware class:


Resource-level middlewares

To use a middleware class as a resource-level middleware, just add it to the middleware_classes tuple as the class attribute of your resource class.

In the middleware_classess tuple, each middleware is represented by a class. For example, here’s how to enable the above AuthMiddleware middleware class:

from restart.api import RESTArt
from restart.resource import Resource

from my_middlewares import AuthMiddleware

api = RESTArt()

class Demo(Resource):
    name = 'demo'

    middleware_classes = (AuthMiddleware,)

    def read(self, request):
        return 'this is a demo'